Thursday, October 15, 2009

Needs more . . . resources?

A co-worker asked me a very simple question the other day.  "Is there any way to automate or do a bulk upload for Google Apps calendar resources."  Off the top of my head I answered I did not remember there being anything within the admin console, but I was sure that was probably an API out there for it.  

If you are familiar with Google Apps then you know that the APIs use two different libraries, GDATA and ATOM.  GDATA is where all the Google specific APIs come from, but it requires the ATOM library to run.  I go browsing through the GDATA library, which is very well documented within the code, but after about 10 minutes I come up with nothing.

The code is very well documented and organized.  Finding things is almost never a problem.  I thought maybe I was just missing something so I start checking some forums.  Turns out I am not the only one to notice this hiccup.  The only solution I found was to use scripting, tools like Selenium or Curl.  While they do work, this is a very simple function and would be extremely useful to administrators.

I wonder if my pleas will be heard up in the cloud?  Google, honestly, I know you are working hard on Google Wave but help us out.

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