Monday, November 9, 2009

Thinking with your stomach

People say a way to a man's heart is through his stomach.  I whole heartedly agree.  Eating has a big affect on our mood and our thoughts.  Today I went out to lunch with a bunch of people from work.  It is a lot of fun getting out of the office, even if it is for just a little while.  The place we went to was nothing special but we ate tons of food.

Getting back to the office we are all moving like slugs.  It is to the point I feel like taking a nap.  My work is not exciting to begin with, but I can say for certain it usually does not put me to sleep this fast.  Doing some team bonding is important, my work place lacks any sense of camaraderie.  Any type of bonding is greatly appreciated in order to making working more bearable.

For future reference eating with co-workers, while being lots of fun, is hazardous ground.  Make sure that what you eat is not going to affect you the rest of the day.  However, if you are looking for a convenient excuse to go home it might just suite your needs.  Things do get interesting when the group of people going includes vegetarians, meat lovers, and vegans.  Let calamity ensue.  Maybe there is a reason why there are so many clashes on my team.

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